Stray Kids' 2nd LoveSTAY "SKZ's Chocolate Factory" online event marked an unforgettable fanmeeting experience, and to celebrate, they released a one-of-a-kind merchandise collection. This exclusive collection includes their Light Stick Mini Key Ring, LoveSTAY Ring, Photo Book Set, ID Photo Set, and the Special Photo Ticket Set, offering fans a chance to own a piece of the event's magic. To make this release even more special, a Pre-Order gift is included for fans who purchase through Kpop Exchange. The gift is a fandom Polaroid—an absolute must-have for any Stray Kids fan! You can find more details about this special collection and the exclusive pre-order gift on the product pages below. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to celebrate your LoveSTAY status and add these rare collectibles to your collection!
Stray Kids [2nd #LoveSTAY 'SKZ’S Chocolate Factory]
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